
Distance: 4.07km
Time: 26:26
Pace: 6:30min/km

It took all 4 of these kilometres for my legs to unknot and stop aching — at which point I was tired and pretty much fed up with it all. I was grumpy before my run because I didn’t want to go, grumpy during it because my legs hurt, and grumpy after it because I’m cross that I didn’t keep running longer.

It’s constantly raining and hot and humid here, and I have a finite amount of patience for work. I am so ratty I shouldn’t be allowed near anyone! I don’t know what to blame it on or what I can do to make it go away. I guess I’ll have to chalk it up to those mysterious pesky hormones, which are the bane of my life.

Before work I had a look at my Callanetics workout DVD, which I had never used but which recently resurfaced during the bookshelf triage. This morning I thought I might give it a go, but my legs were killing me and so I abandoned it after the first 10 minutes, because it was making me hot and sweaty and I’d already had a shower. I’m still quite interested though so maybe I’ll have another go tomorrow after yoga, or on the weekend.