
I had an amazing time with my supermate Cici when she was here and I will hopefully do a little photo documentary (“visual diary” which we both failed at terribly as we are bad asians).

Just to make me feel extra lucky and extra loved, within the same week I have been able to see my jiemei, Allison. Considering that this year I have also seen Nadege, Chloe, Nom, my sister, Sarah and of course I was seeing Rebecca, Bridgie and Mansa on a regular basis in Melbourne, all I need is to see Stef (who I plan to get hold of in February 2012) and I will have seen all my favourite girls in the space of 365 days. Considering they are spread over several continents, this is no mean achievement! I think one of the best things that ever happened to me was meeting Chloe and Nadege, who opened my eyes to the magic of girlfriends.

ANYWAY. Back to Ally and the new addition to my crew of girls: Nalia!

It was also my first time meeting Ally’s husband Juan — they have both been globetrotting furiously from Europe to South America and the Pacific (including a job on Easter Island — how do they get these gigs??) and back to Asia, complete with their magical daughter, who was born in Hawaii.

As you can probably tell from these (terrible phone camera) pics, my heart has been stolen by the bewitching Nalia…

Our reunion occurred by the waters of Danshui, and whilst I was too enamoured with the baby to remember to take any pictures of anything else, I did snap a picture when I got off the MRT, just to give an idea of the setting… beautiful Taipei… so happy to be here!